Attendant Feature Overview 

Streamline your operations, minimize unauthorized usage, and take control of your laundry business with the Attendant Feature in PayRange Manage. With the Attendant Feature, you can grant your wash dry fold attendants the ability to operate your washers and dryers without requiring coins or adding funds to the PayRange app. 

Download the Attendant Feature overview to explore the benefits of Attendant Feature.  

Operators can enable the Attendant Feature within your Manage Console. This feature permits selected users to run free cycles on their washers and dryers. This article will outline how Operators can enable the Attendant Feature, assign specific users to this role, and assist in configuring the requirements/restrictions.


Attendant Role: This role is specific to the Attendant Feature. If the Operator intends to permit individuals to utilize the Attendant Feature and they are not already added to their account, then they will need to be added as an Attendant. Attendants do not have access to the operator account or any corresponding information. 


Note: if the user is not added to your account then you will not be able to enable them as an Attendant. 

  • To add a new user, please navigate to the Settings -> Users section of your Manage account. We recommend adding them as an Attendant so they do not have access the the majority of your Operator account.


To configure the Attendant Feature on your Operator account, navigate to the Attendant section in the Manage Account side panel. 

Important to Note:

  • Only users with the assigned Owner and Manager roles can configure the Attendant Feature.
  • This feature can only be enabled from a desktop. This cannot be done on a mobile device.

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All fields will be grayed out until the "Enable attendant feature" is clicked on. Once selected, please determine the following:


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  1. Enable attendant feature must be checked on
  2. The maximum amount per transaction can be customized to the operator's preference for the highest transaction amount. 
  3. Daily Limit is how many individual transactions the Attendant can utilize in a single day.
  4. Tags are if you'd like to have the Attendant Feature enabled on only specific devices with corresponding tags. If there are no corresponding tags on the devices, this will not work.
  5. Require Comment/ Ticket ID if you would prefer your Attendant to provide a comment as to why they are utilizing this feature.


Once you have set up your preferences, you will want to select Update Configuration. The screen will auto-reload and prompt you to select which Users should be enabled for the Attendant feature.

  • As a reminder, only users who are added to your Operator account under the roles Owner, Manager, and Attendant can be enabled to utilize this feature.

At any point, the Operator can toggle the Attendant Mode On or Off for specific users.

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It is important to note that the Attendant Feature offers a 1% transaction rate, with a 20-dollar monthly fee.


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