Creating Multiple Operator Accounts Using the Distributor Role


This role allows the creation and management of operator accounts, set up/register devices, manage users, enable marketing programs, create test vend codes, etc.



  1. Create a PayRange user account with an email address that is not associated to any PayRange operator account.
  2. Add that PayRange user account and assign it to a “Distributor” role to the parent PayRange Operator account by requesting someone that has an owner role on that account and assigning it to a “Distributor” role.

Steps to creating a new operator account from a Distributor role:

  1. Open an internet browser (Chrome browser recommended).
  2. Navigate to
  3. Login by entering Distributor account credentials and then tap Sign In.                                                                                                                                                               Login.jpg.                                                                                                                 
  4. Tap Create Operator.                                                                                                                                 Screen_Shot_2022-07-07_at_8.38.46_PM.jpg 
  5. Complete all operator details fields.
  6. Tap Create.                                                                                                                                                   Screen_Shot_2022-07-07_at_8.42.12_PM.jpg 
  7. Choose the marketing campaigns to enable/disable by selecting the checkboxes.
  8. Tap Finish Setup.                                                                                                                                       Screen_Shot_2022-07-07_at_8.42.46_PM.jpg 
  9. Tap Manage for the account created.                                                                                                       Screen_Shot_2022-07-07_at_8.43.07_PM.jpg 
  10. Tap Users under Settings options.                                                                                                           Screen_Shot_2022-07-07_at_8.43.48_PM.jpg 
  11. Add PayRange users email address and select a Role by tapping on Add Users.
  12. Tap the checkbox under the Actions options to save the changes.                                                       Screen_Shot_2022-07-07_at_8.44.33_PM.jpg
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