Adding Additional Operator Accounts

PayRange offers the ability to create multiple, separate accounts that are all linked through one log-in. This is beneficial to Operators who may manage multiple properties or want to split up where their devices are registered for payment purposes. To set up an additional Operator account, please follow the instructions below:


1. Log into your existing Operator account that you wish to create a linked account through.

2. Once logged in, please click on the green button next to the current logged in user's name.

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 11.18.36 AM.png

3. Next, you will want to click on the button that says: "Create New Operator".

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 11.18.45 AM.png

4. Please proceed to follow the traditional Operator account set-up steps outlined here: Creating your Manage Operator Account


For any additional questions, please email


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