Within your Manage Console, there are a number of resources available for Operators to review revenue. Under the Sales tab, Operators will find the following sub-sections:


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The Sales Dashboard provides a snapshot of current sales and activity. It includes information regarding active devices, mobile sales, cash sales, and the percentage breakdown of cash versus mobile transactions. This dashboard mirrors the mobile sales dashboard in the app.


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The Summary section offers a more detailed view of sales accrued either on a Location or Device level. These reports can be generated for any desired date range. This view also offers insights into payments issued within the selected timeframe.


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Once filtered to the desired range and view, Operators can review Payments and any returns. Additionally, the summary breaks down sales by mobile, cash, card, fees, discounts, and net amount.


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Under the reports section is where the Weekly Operator Sales Email, sent by PayRange, is stored. Operators can always access previous reports here. Custom reports can also be generated using the Generate Report section.


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The Transactions section contains all transactions across the account. Operators can filter transactions based on the desired date range.


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