Feature | Mobile Sales Dashboard |
Platform(s) | PayRange Mobile Apps |
Versions | iOS 6.7.6 and above Android 6.7.6 and above |
User Type | Operators Accounts with user role "Owner", "Manager", or "Finance". |
Operators may view their mobile sales activity conveniently in the PayRange App.
1. Go to Left Menu. If in consumer mode, tap "Consumer Mode" and select an operator account. | |
2. Once in Operator mode, you'll see the operator menu items. Select "Sales Dashboard". | |
3. The sales dashboard screen will now appear. In the top left drop down menu, you may select one or more operator accounts. In the top right, you may select the time period. |
General Notes
- Data is presented in Pacific Time regardless of your time zone.
- Weeks run from Monday 12:00AM PT through Sunday 11:59PM PT.
- When viewing charts, the blue line is the time period selected, and the grey line is the prior period. For example, if you select "Last Year", the blue line will be the last year and the grey line will be the year before that.
- Data is current up to 2 hours ago.
- The Mobile Sales $ chart is cumulative for the time period selected. This is helpful to see how sales are tracking for the period selected relative to the prior period. For example, if you select "This week" you can see how sales are adding up this week so far and compare to how the sales were tracking the week prior.
- Tapping on any chart in the sales dashboard will open a larger version of the chart with additional details. The additional details are the same regardless of which chart was tapped. Tap the red X to close the detail view and return to the main sales dashboard.
- If you have "Owner", "Manager", or "Finance" role on multiple operator accounts, you may select one or more operator accounts to view the charts. If you select more than one operator account, the charts are aggregated across all that are selected. It does not matter which operator account is selected in the left menu "Operator Mode" -- you can view charts for any operator without having to go back to Operator Mode menu to change the selected operator account.
- For faster response, dashboard data is sourced from an extracted reporting database which is intended to stay current but occasionally may lag behind. Weekly email reports that accompany the settlements are from the production database and take precedence over sales dashboard should there be any discrepancy.
Data Definitions
Mobile Sales | Dollar amount of transactions in the time period, net of any refunds. This chart is cumulative or a running total for the time period selected. |
Mobile Transactions | The number of mobile transactions in the time period selected. The transaction count will increment for both sales and refunds, if any. |
Active Users | The count of distinct users in the time period selected who have done one or more transactions. Typically, the longer the time period, the more distinct users. If multiple operator accounts are selected, a user who transacted across multiple accounts is still counted only once. |
Active Devices | The count of distinct devices in the time period selected that have had one or more mobile transaction. Typically, the longer the time period, the more distinct devices. |
First time Users | The count of distinct users in the time period selected who have made their first transaction ever on any of the operator accounts selected (i.e., new users). |
New Devices | The count of distinct devices in the time period selected that have had their first mobile transaction ever. |
Avg. Per Txn | The total mobile sales divided by the number of transactions. This is the average amount per transaction. |
Avg. Per User | The total mobile sales divided by the number of active users. This is the average spend per user. |
Avg. Per Device | The total mobiles sales divided by the number of active devices. This is the average sales per device. |
Lifetime | The lifetime metrics are available when "All Time" is selected from the time period selection dropdown in the top right of the screen. |
Last 365 days | When "All Time" is selected from the time period selection, sales metrics are also presented to include the last 365 days of sales. Please note last 365 days is different than "last year" as last year refers to the previous calendar year, and last 365 is going back 365 days from today. |
Current Period | When "All Time" is selected from the time period selection, the current year-to-date sales are presented along with a projection for the year. The projection is the last full week of sales multiplied by 52. |