What is the Age-Restricted Refund Policy?

When a user has a refund request for an age-restricted commerce transaction, the following policy applies:

  • The operator of the machine is responsible for resolving any transaction refund requests made by the user.
  • Automatic refunds by the machine or the PayRange Automated Systems are not enabled for Age Restricted transactions.
  • Any user who reaches out to PayRange first will be directed to the operator. PayRange will provide the user with the operator’s support contact details.
  • Upon determining the validity of the request, the operator may provide a free vend to the user through a free purchase code that can be generated in Manage.
  • Click here to watch a video on how to create a free purchase code.
  • In the event the user reaches out to PayRange after unsatisfactory attempt to resolve the matter with the operator, the PayRange support team will evaluate the request and make its own determination. If a refund is warranted, PayRange will issue a refund and charge the Operator account.
  • In the event the user initiates a chargeback, the user’s bank will decide on the request. If the bank approves the chargeback, the chargeback will be deducted from the operator’s account.
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